
Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations and European Union

Make your career international

More than 9.000 internship agreements

Degree taught in English

Language training throughout your studies

Training Programme with the United Nations - UNITAR

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Get ready to understand, explore and solve complex issues from an international perspective

The Bachelor’s degree in International Relations and the European Union at Universidad CEU San Pablo trains you in the competences and skills needed to develop your profile in a European and international dimension, as well as to understand and solve problems related to the economic, social, legal, and political spheres in global environments. 
This Bachelor’s degree will enable you to:

  • Study languages: the degree is taught in English and, in addition, you can study another language, choosing between French or German. In this way, you will master the legal language in different languages.
  • Carry out a 6-month international stay through our mobility agreements with different foreign universities.
  • Access agreements with companies for national and international internships.
  • Broaden your studies by taking a Double Degree: you can take the degree simultaneously with the Bachelor's Degree in Law, the Bachelor's Degree in Economics or the Bachelor's Degree in Journalism (5 years).

The multidisciplinary and international nature of the Bachelor’s degree in International Relations allows graduates in this area to project and dimension their bachelor’s degree at an international level, as well as to develop their profession in different fields and organisations, such as European institutions or diplomacy in the case of the public sphere, or consultancy and international trade in the case of the private sphere.

Enrich your education to boost your professional future
Programa Formativo Naciones Unidas - Unitar
Training Programme with the United Nations - Unitar

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), linked to the United Nations (UN), offers exclusively to CEU students the International Professional Programme (200 hours, blended learning) in English. An international immersion at UNITAR headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland). Online UN Internship Preparation Programme (United Nations Internship Preparation Programme).

Salidas Profesionales
Career opportunities for this degree

Discover the many career opportunities that this degree will bring to you. European institutions, diplomacy, international non-governmental organisations and international cooperation, journalism, European and international information and communication. Also, consultancy and representation of interest groups, consultancy in international trade and political consultancy and academia in European and international affairs.

Los valores trabajan
Our students tell you about it
Carmen Salvo, Opositora a la Carrera Diplomática

“In addition to training in subjects such as law, the European Union and economics, we have been able to learn more about the realities of Asian and Middle Eastern countries, Latin American politics and the importance of internationalisation.”

Why CEU?

International vocation

We have students from more than 50 different nationalities


Student centered

Personal accompaniment for comprehensive training


Why CEU?

Social impact
Employability rate of more than 94%



Wide academic offer: +70 degrees and dual degrees

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