
IB Informative Session

Get to know the advantages that an IB diploma student has in the admission process

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Thursday 30th January

20:00 pm

Online (Teams meeting)

Discover how IB profile and your knowledge can help you to adapt to the university life

In this session, we will evaluate the importance of properly combining soft and hard skills offered by the IB Diploma Program and the requirements demanded by the University in the different degrees offered, particularly for LATAM students.

The IB Diploma Program is one of the best academic options to access university, and is taken by more than 600,000 students around the world. Therefore, we are going to provide you with a quick review of the most relevant aspects:  

- Valoration of the IB student profile: the IB soft skills will be reviewed and their application in the university environment will be identified.  

- Recommended subjects for the most demanded degrees: suggestions will be given according to the requirements of each degree within our University.

- Comparison between IB subjects and spanish baccalaureate subjects as well as university requirements: both programs will be compared to provide guidance regarding university requirements 

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